Martin Wolf
Chief Economics Commentator
Financial Times, London, United Kingdom
Good information is always important. When one is looking to do business in unfamiliar places, it is essential. Tony Okoromadu has done a remarkable job. The information is also beautifully and imaginatively displayed. This is a remarkable piece of work.

Baroness Lynda Chalker
Former Cabinet Minister
United Kingdom Government
The book both sheds light on the commercial realities of an important region of the continent and provides a guiding hand to investors.
Drawing on verified sources of information, Tony Okoromadu has added value to these with a lively, colourful and insightful interpretation. His novel approach both sets today’s statistics in a recognisable context and clearly improves the landscape for decision-making. International investors and governments alike should welcome this as an important contribution.

David White
Former Africa Editor
Financial Times, United Kingdom
Not only does this study bring all the essential data together in one place, it makes sense of the statistics, pointing out the trends, strengths and weaknesses that lie behind the figures. Here at last is reliable factual material, superbly presented and interpreted in a way that makes it immediately understandable. Anyone with a serious interest in the region will need and value this rare commodity.

Richard Dowden
Fmr. Africa Editor, The Economist, London
Fmr. Director, The Royal African Society
United Kingdom
Tony Okoromadu has created a well-researched and clearly presented encyclopaedia of economic and commercial information. It is an excellent contribution to a better understanding of these countries and their economic potential.

AACSB International
Tampa, Florida, USA
It is hard to imagine a more colorful and comprehensive reference book. This is a staggeringly detailed compilation. Tony Okoromadu offers Post-it Note style commentary on most of the tables, with occasional pauses for longer analysis. Clearly a massive undertaking.

Michael Hay (1950-2020)
Late Professor of Management and
London Business School, United Kingdom
Tony Okoromadu has done a great deal of work and an extraordinary job in assembling this vast amount of interesting material and data. And he presents these in an imaginative and innovative way. The book is reminiscent of the style of The Economist’s "World in Figures" and would sit well in that class.

Jonathan Story
Emeritus Professor of International Political Economy
INSEAD, France
Tony Okoromadu has compiled an indispensable tool. The target audience is foreign investors, government and development agencies. The format is easy-to-use, making the content readily comprehensible to a wider public.
The value added here is that you have all key indicators of performance between the covers of one book. The information, culled from the multilateral development agencies, is presented in the form of indicators, tables and charts.
This manual deserves to become a standard reference for many years to come.

Joe Nellis
Professor of International Management Economics
Cranfield University School of Management
United Kingdom
This is a unique and impressive compendium of key business environmental indicators. The information will be invaluable to a wide audience including economists, investment analysts, government departments, foreign investors etc. It is up to date and presented in a user-friendly and non-technical manner, representing a new and refreshing approach to country analyses.