Engineer. Economist. Business school professor of practice faculty. Resolute tenet: “You can change the world!”.
International management experience in diverse sectors: business and management consulting, finance, economic development, executive business education, media, nonprofits, technology. Responsibilities have included: business development; financial, market and industry analysis; business analysis; data deployment; strategy; marketing; corporate relations; research; stakeholder engagement; customer service; organizational change.
Career trajectory has encompassed developing business, economic and market intelligence solutions to support various international business ventures. Particular emphasis on presenting complex material in ways that are easy to understand. International business, markets, economics and finance are fond specialties; authored book on select emerging economies and their markets, published in London, United Kingdom, and is currently a resource for companies in over 22 countries around the world, helping them make business decisions involving that region. Said work is also used in universities across the United States including Texas A&M University (College Station, TX), Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) and University of Florida (Gainesville, FL).
Projects, methods and business insights received praise from experts at various institutions around the world, among them the Financial Times (United Kingdom), INSEAD (France), London Business School (United Kingdom), and The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB (USA). They have also been recognized through a variety of merit-based awards such as the Chevening Scholarship from the United Kingdom Government.
Lived and worked in three continents - Europe, Africa and North America; at ease in different cultures and work environments. Currently part of the professor of practice teaching faculty at Babson College. More than three decades of active volunteer involvement with NGOs in projects for the less fortunate.
Doctorate in Business Administration (exp. 2026); MBA (IESE, Barcelona); MS Economics (Texas A&M); BS Engineering (Ibadan). Five fluent languages, including English and Spanish; alongside a rudimentary Latin and French.
Above all else, a proud husband to a priceless wife, Lisa.